Wednesday, April 7, 2010

People Are More Important Than Things

TIP:  PEOPLE really are more important than things.

THOUGHTS:  Could that simple little statement really be the key for us to unlock the happiness in life we all long for?  Isn’t there some other mantra or words of wisdom that we could live by that could change our lives in a better or different way?  
Well, to say this as simple and succinctly as possible, “I don’t think so.”  

After living on our planet for a little while and studying my fair share of books on life, relationships, self-help, and business, the answer always comes back to this same premise....  The happiness of our lives is in direct proportion to the depth and quality of our relationships with others.  Like it or not, you’ll be a much happier fulfilled person when you make the decision to invest yourself in loving others.

When we are lying on our deathbed most people won't be calling out for their gold watch or asking "you gotta tell's my car!?"  No, at that moment people realize the value of family and friends.

Why wait until the end of your life to fully enjoy and appreciate the value of people?  It sounds so simple and we've all heard it a thousand times.  Well, then you get to hear it for free again....PEOPLE are what's MOST IMPORTANT in life.

ACTION STEP:  Tell someone important to you how much you appreciate and value