Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who Cares What "they" Say!

TIP:  Decide to stop caring about what "they" say

THOUGHTS:  This just in...I know who "they" are and so do you.  "They" are sometimes me, sometimes you,  and others.  "They" are sometimes saying good things about others and sometimes saying bad things.  The good things "they" say are nice to hear and should be passed around as much as possible.  The bad things (even when true) say more about their character than the person being talked about (ouch, I resemble that remark!).

In reality, it is the person who cares very little about the things "they" say that is better off now and in the long run.

Moreover, do you honestly think that people walk around saying all kinds of things about you or me?  I doubt it...really.  Pause and take a moment to realize "they" are mostly thinking and talking about themselves.  I know am (I'm just sayin...).  That doesn't mean most people are jerks.  It is just reality and human nature to focus on things from our subjective point of view.

What's the point?  The point is I'll be much happier as I learn to care less about what "they" are saying because it simply doesn't matter.  I've been working on this recently and it has unlocked a whole new freedom for me to pursue my dreams and goals.  It also has enabled me to treat people better because I'm not so concerned about my image or reputation.  I'm able to focus on adding value to others.  So, let me repeat this in bold:  CARE-LESS about what "they" are REALLY DOESN'T MATTER!

What does matter is what your actions are saying about you.  Our actions tell our true story more than any words.  Think about it, your character is your publicist.  In fact, it does most of the talking for you, sets the record straight, and is what people notice the most about you.  I would venture to guess it is almost independent of what "they" are saying.  In a sense then, it really does speak for itself.  The good news is, you have total control over the building up of your character and can be the type of person you'd admire, starting right now!  Trust me, it is a challenge to become a person of character and we'll slip often...but it is worth taking daily steps forward, even if they are small ones.

ACTION STEP:  Let your character do the talking and stop listening to what "they" say.