Thursday, May 13, 2010

There's no Pea in Brain

TIP:  Increase the size of your THINKING

THOUGHTS:  Do you know anyone who's a real "pea brain?"  You know, the guy who's thinking is so small, you wonder how he makes it through the day.  I'm not talking about intelligence here, I know some pretty "smart" people that I'd consider to be pea-brains.  To me a pea-brain is someone who thinking is so small that they seldom, maybe never, think of anyone besides themselves.  They think they are the axis by which the Earth rotates. Life literally revolves around them.  It is one of the biggest turn-offs for me.  Admittedly, I find my patience tends to run out quickly with these folks as well.  I don't "go-off" on them or belittle them when they are in the act of small thinking.  However, I always make a point to gently remind them that they are not the only people on the planet either through a well placed suggestion or straight up "calling them out" (in love of course).

When you see this type of person or have an encounter with one, try your best not to be offended or be too quick to judge.  Instead, use them as "reverse role-models" or "reverse-mentoring."  You see, the way to increase the size of the thinking of someone else is to INCREASE YOUR OWN THINKING. 

I've heard it said that the best revenge is living well.  I think that holds true when dealing with small thinkers too.  Demonstrate BIG THINKING by being quick to serve, help, and encourage other people.  Then, you'll know you were part of the solution...not the problem.  The pea-brains will have to scatter if they can't stomach such behavior.

Actively work at being a greater benefit to the greater good and you'll be BIG THINKER!

ACTION STEP:  Increase the size of your thinking by thinking more of OTHERS.