Thursday, May 13, 2010

There's no Pea in Brain

TIP:  Increase the size of your THINKING

THOUGHTS:  Do you know anyone who's a real "pea brain?"  You know, the guy who's thinking is so small, you wonder how he makes it through the day.  I'm not talking about intelligence here, I know some pretty "smart" people that I'd consider to be pea-brains.  To me a pea-brain is someone who thinking is so small that they seldom, maybe never, think of anyone besides themselves.  They think they are the axis by which the Earth rotates. Life literally revolves around them.  It is one of the biggest turn-offs for me.  Admittedly, I find my patience tends to run out quickly with these folks as well.  I don't "go-off" on them or belittle them when they are in the act of small thinking.  However, I always make a point to gently remind them that they are not the only people on the planet either through a well placed suggestion or straight up "calling them out" (in love of course).

When you see this type of person or have an encounter with one, try your best not to be offended or be too quick to judge.  Instead, use them as "reverse role-models" or "reverse-mentoring."  You see, the way to increase the size of the thinking of someone else is to INCREASE YOUR OWN THINKING. 

I've heard it said that the best revenge is living well.  I think that holds true when dealing with small thinkers too.  Demonstrate BIG THINKING by being quick to serve, help, and encourage other people.  Then, you'll know you were part of the solution...not the problem.  The pea-brains will have to scatter if they can't stomach such behavior.

Actively work at being a greater benefit to the greater good and you'll be BIG THINKER!

ACTION STEP:  Increase the size of your thinking by thinking more of OTHERS.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who Cares What "they" Say!

TIP:  Decide to stop caring about what "they" say

THOUGHTS:  This just in...I know who "they" are and so do you.  "They" are sometimes me, sometimes you,  and others.  "They" are sometimes saying good things about others and sometimes saying bad things.  The good things "they" say are nice to hear and should be passed around as much as possible.  The bad things (even when true) say more about their character than the person being talked about (ouch, I resemble that remark!).

In reality, it is the person who cares very little about the things "they" say that is better off now and in the long run.

Moreover, do you honestly think that people walk around saying all kinds of things about you or me?  I doubt it...really.  Pause and take a moment to realize "they" are mostly thinking and talking about themselves.  I know am (I'm just sayin...).  That doesn't mean most people are jerks.  It is just reality and human nature to focus on things from our subjective point of view.

What's the point?  The point is I'll be much happier as I learn to care less about what "they" are saying because it simply doesn't matter.  I've been working on this recently and it has unlocked a whole new freedom for me to pursue my dreams and goals.  It also has enabled me to treat people better because I'm not so concerned about my image or reputation.  I'm able to focus on adding value to others.  So, let me repeat this in bold:  CARE-LESS about what "they" are REALLY DOESN'T MATTER!

What does matter is what your actions are saying about you.  Our actions tell our true story more than any words.  Think about it, your character is your publicist.  In fact, it does most of the talking for you, sets the record straight, and is what people notice the most about you.  I would venture to guess it is almost independent of what "they" are saying.  In a sense then, it really does speak for itself.  The good news is, you have total control over the building up of your character and can be the type of person you'd admire, starting right now!  Trust me, it is a challenge to become a person of character and we'll slip often...but it is worth taking daily steps forward, even if they are small ones.

ACTION STEP:  Let your character do the talking and stop listening to what "they" say.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Forgot To Grow Up

TIP:  Enjoy life like kids do and "forget" to grow up now and then.

THOUGHTS:  Man, the older I get, the more I realize that I shouldn't take life or myself so seriously.  Remember when you were a kid and all you worried about was when the Flintstones was on next?  Or, if you could con your mom into buying you some of that Fruit Stripe gum.  You know the kind that lost its flavor 30 seconds after popping it in your mouth (but that 30 seconds was pure deliciousness, huh!).

I've got young kids and it is fun for me to listen to them talk when they think I can't hear them.  Sure, they pick on each other and fight over who gets to eat the last of the red Starbursts (rightfully is the bestest).  But, to listen to them approach life with little to next to no cares in the world, is so refreshing.  It reminds me that the things in my life that seem to be important, probably aren't.  While listening to them, I think "what if I just "forgot" to grow up for a while?" 

I'm not talking about shirking our responsibilities or being juvenile and giving our coworkers wedgies (not gonna lie that would be funny though).  I'm just saying, let's put things in to the perspective of a kid and just enjoy life a little more. 

That project your working will probably get done....sooner rather than later.  The money will come.  The faucet will get fixed.  The house will sell.  You'll get the call about the interview.  The promotion will happen.  And, so on....

ACTION STEP:  Grab a piece of Fruit Stripe gum (or any gum you have handy)...pop it in your mouth while thinking of something stressful to you.  By the time it loses its flavor, you can spit out the worry along with the spent piece.  Even if it is some of the newer gum out there that lasts "longer," you most likely won't chew on it too long.  Then, forget to grow up for a minute and enjoy life like kids do.  If needed, plow through a whole pack until all your worries are wadded up in the trash can...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reactivate Your Winning Formula

TIP:  Reactivate YOUR Winning Formula
THOUGHTS:  Can you remember a time when you were in the "zone?"  For instance, was there a time when you were in terrific physical shape, really creative, or accomplishing things you really wanted?  What were some of the things that you were doing that gave you success?  Could you do those things again and get even better results now?
Ever heard someone say, “The older I get, the better I was….”  I hope you don’t believe that.  Sure, you may have been in better shape or had a dream that you were passionately pursuing at one time.  Then, maybe you hit a roadblock and gave up just a moment too soon.  Or, there was an unexpected turn in your life.  Unfortunately, you may have slipped into a funk (slowly over time) and believe that your best days are behind you.  But seriously, why waste time and energy longingly looking back at the good old days gone by?  No one cares about those four-touchdowns you scored in high-school Al Bundy!  They really don’t….
But that doesn’t mean the excitement you had for life back then can’t be resurrected and channeled onto your current playing field.  It is never too late to begin anew and go after that dream, vision, or goal!
Too many people try to fit themselves into someone else’s program or regimen when all along, they already know many things that have worked great for them in the past and could easily return to their old winning form.  You may not need a new program.  You may just need to learn to persist a tad more or attack an issue from a different angle utilizing the skills you already have.
For example, when I was just out of high school and in my early twenties, I loved to lift weights.  I also combined different types of cardio exercises and was in fabulous physical condition.  Over the years, I slowly got away from weights and packed on the pounds (because I never stopped liking to eat).  Long story short, I tried to make myself something I’m not and followed other people’s workout routines.  I only set myself up for failure because I didn’t truly enjoy what I was doing.  Only recently have I rediscovered my zeal for working out.  While trying to think of what was I going to do to get back in shape, I thought....
“What have I always enjoyed that kept me in shape for so many years?  Just do that…just do what I know works for me.”
Remember your formula…it will be easier than you think to get back into the "game" and continue your winning ways.  Make today the beginning of your new glory days.  You’re wiser and more experienced.  And, this time when something unexpected happens or a setback occurs, remember that success is usually found on the other side of an obstacle.  Perseverance combined with winning habits will make you better than ever!
ACTION STEP:  Reactivate your winning formula and then persist through any and all obstacles!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


TIP:  Take ONE-SMALL-STEP towards something you really want....TODAY!

THOUGHTS:  Friends, procrastination is undoubtedly the biggest killer of dreams, health, goals, and ideas.  The ONLY way to sling the stone in the head of that proverbial giant is to TAKE ACTION!

Wanna quit smoking?  Start that program NOW.  Wanna lose weight?  Begin seeing yourself as a healthy person in your "mind's-eye."  Then, go out for a brisk walk tonight after dinner.  Been dreaming about owning your own business?  Before you walk away from this computer, type out a list of five names you might call it.

ACTION beats inaction every time!

We recently had a young couple over who had an adorable baby girl.  She was just starting to crawl and by the looks of it was going to go wherever she wanted, any day now.  Her desire for independence and to explore was so fun to see.  I thought while watching her scoot around our floor, "one small step" is going to forever change the rest of her life.  She'll be up and running before you know it!

It is the same for you and me.  You know the thing you want to, have to, need  Why not take the leap of faith and make that step?  YOU will be up and running before you know it!

ACTION STEP:   Literally, take one-small-step towards your "something" RIGHT NOW!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

People Are More Important Than Things

TIP:  PEOPLE really are more important than things.

THOUGHTS:  Could that simple little statement really be the key for us to unlock the happiness in life we all long for?  Isn’t there some other mantra or words of wisdom that we could live by that could change our lives in a better or different way?  
Well, to say this as simple and succinctly as possible, “I don’t think so.”  

After living on our planet for a little while and studying my fair share of books on life, relationships, self-help, and business, the answer always comes back to this same premise....  The happiness of our lives is in direct proportion to the depth and quality of our relationships with others.  Like it or not, you’ll be a much happier fulfilled person when you make the decision to invest yourself in loving others.

When we are lying on our deathbed most people won't be calling out for their gold watch or asking "you gotta tell's my car!?"  No, at that moment people realize the value of family and friends.

Why wait until the end of your life to fully enjoy and appreciate the value of people?  It sounds so simple and we've all heard it a thousand times.  Well, then you get to hear it for free again....PEOPLE are what's MOST IMPORTANT in life.

ACTION STEP:  Tell someone important to you how much you appreciate and value