Thursday, April 15, 2010


TIP:  Take ONE-SMALL-STEP towards something you really want....TODAY!

THOUGHTS:  Friends, procrastination is undoubtedly the biggest killer of dreams, health, goals, and ideas.  The ONLY way to sling the stone in the head of that proverbial giant is to TAKE ACTION!

Wanna quit smoking?  Start that program NOW.  Wanna lose weight?  Begin seeing yourself as a healthy person in your "mind's-eye."  Then, go out for a brisk walk tonight after dinner.  Been dreaming about owning your own business?  Before you walk away from this computer, type out a list of five names you might call it.

ACTION beats inaction every time!

We recently had a young couple over who had an adorable baby girl.  She was just starting to crawl and by the looks of it was going to go wherever she wanted, any day now.  Her desire for independence and to explore was so fun to see.  I thought while watching her scoot around our floor, "one small step" is going to forever change the rest of her life.  She'll be up and running before you know it!

It is the same for you and me.  You know the thing you want to, have to, need  Why not take the leap of faith and make that step?  YOU will be up and running before you know it!

ACTION STEP:   Literally, take one-small-step towards your "something" RIGHT NOW!

1 comment:

  1. Tim, Your new blog is a perfect start to a very fruitful habit! Your energy and tenacity are inspiring. We're going to take lots of little 'first steps' and find ourselves on the moon! Keep up the great work! - Todd
