Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reactivate Your Winning Formula

TIP:  Reactivate YOUR Winning Formula
THOUGHTS:  Can you remember a time when you were in the "zone?"  For instance, was there a time when you were in terrific physical shape, really creative, or accomplishing things you really wanted?  What were some of the things that you were doing that gave you success?  Could you do those things again and get even better results now?
Ever heard someone say, “The older I get, the better I was….”  I hope you don’t believe that.  Sure, you may have been in better shape or had a dream that you were passionately pursuing at one time.  Then, maybe you hit a roadblock and gave up just a moment too soon.  Or, there was an unexpected turn in your life.  Unfortunately, you may have slipped into a funk (slowly over time) and believe that your best days are behind you.  But seriously, why waste time and energy longingly looking back at the good old days gone by?  No one cares about those four-touchdowns you scored in high-school Al Bundy!  They really don’t….
But that doesn’t mean the excitement you had for life back then can’t be resurrected and channeled onto your current playing field.  It is never too late to begin anew and go after that dream, vision, or goal!
Too many people try to fit themselves into someone else’s program or regimen when all along, they already know many things that have worked great for them in the past and could easily return to their old winning form.  You may not need a new program.  You may just need to learn to persist a tad more or attack an issue from a different angle utilizing the skills you already have.
For example, when I was just out of high school and in my early twenties, I loved to lift weights.  I also combined different types of cardio exercises and was in fabulous physical condition.  Over the years, I slowly got away from weights and packed on the pounds (because I never stopped liking to eat).  Long story short, I tried to make myself something I’m not and followed other people’s workout routines.  I only set myself up for failure because I didn’t truly enjoy what I was doing.  Only recently have I rediscovered my zeal for working out.  While trying to think of what was I going to do to get back in shape, I thought....
“What have I always enjoyed that kept me in shape for so many years?  Just do that…just do what I know works for me.”
Remember your formula…it will be easier than you think to get back into the "game" and continue your winning ways.  Make today the beginning of your new glory days.  You’re wiser and more experienced.  And, this time when something unexpected happens or a setback occurs, remember that success is usually found on the other side of an obstacle.  Perseverance combined with winning habits will make you better than ever!
ACTION STEP:  Reactivate your winning formula and then persist through any and all obstacles!

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